Graduating Students
Graduating members of the Student Health Benefits Plan will have coverage through the end of the coverage period. Coverage period dates are available on our Rates, Dates and Deadlines page. Continuation options are not available for the Student Health Benefits Plan.
If students are continuing academically at the university after their graduation, such as moving from a master's program to a doctoral program, their coverage may continue. Students have the ability to independently confirm coverage for any term once the university posts fees by logging into My Buckeye Link and checking their Statement of Account. A fee on your account, billed in autumn and spring assuming academic eligibility is maintained, means you have coverage. Spring term coverage automatically includes summer and there is no separate summer fee.
Your coverage under the 2024-25 Student Health Benefits Plan will end on December, 31, 2024. No options are available for early termination.
- If you are continuing as a student in spring 2025 for academic year 2024-25, for example you are completing a master's degree in autumn 2024 but moving directly onto a doctoral degree, your coverage eligibility may continue, and you may be able to select the Student Health Benefits Plan for 2024-25. Make sure to monitor your health insurance fees in your Statement of Account each term to verify your selection and your coverage. The deadline to select or waive for spring 2025 is December 30, 2024.
Potential options if you need coverage after December 31, 2024:
- Coverage with an employer. If you are starting a new job that offers health insurance, ask your employer about enrollment opportunities and what you need to do and when.
- Coverage under a parent's health insurance if you are under age 26. The loss of your Student Health Benefits Plan coverage is an event that may allow you to obtain coverage per the terms of your parent’s policy. Make sure you comply with deadlines stipulated by the policy and/or employer.
- Coverage through a reputable source like the Health Insurance Marketplace at or a major health insurance carrier that offers individual policies. The loss of your Student Health Benefits Plan Coverage is an event that should trigger a special window of time where you can enroll in other plans, including Health Insurance Marketplace ones. Note: Special enrollment windows are often time-sensitive, such as requiring you to enroll within 30 days of your coverage loss. Make sure you comply with deadlines!
Your coverage under the 2024-25 Student Health Benefits Plan will end on August 18, 2025. No options are available for early termination.
- If you are continuing as a student in autumn 2025 for academic year 2025-26, for example you are completing a master's degree in spring 2025 but moving directly onto a doctoral degree, your coverage eligibility may continue, and you may be able to select the Student Health Benefits Plan for 2025-26. Make sure to monitor your health insurance fees in your Statement of Account each term to verify your selection and your coverage. The deadline to select or waive for autumn 2025 is August 19, 2025.
Potential options if you need coverage after August 18, 2025:
- Coverage with an employer. If you are starting a new job that offers health insurance, ask your employer about enrollment opportunities and what you need to do and when.
- Coverage under a parent's health insurance if you are under age 26. The loss of your Student Health Benefits Plan coverage is an event that may allow you to obtain coverage per the terms of your parent’s policy. Make sure you comply with deadlines stipulated by the policy and/or employer.
- Coverage through a reputable source like the Health Insurance Marketplace at or a major health insurance carrier that offers individual policies. The loss of your Student Health Benefits Plan Coverage is an event that should trigger a special window of time where you can enroll in other plans, including Health Insurance Marketplace ones. Note: Special enrollment windows are often time-sensitive, such as requiring you to enroll within 30 days of your coverage loss. Make sure you comply with deadlines!
When you are transitioning off the Student Health Benefits Plan onto another health insurance plan, you may be required to show proof of involuntary loss of coverage. You can obtain a Confirmation of Coverage through your United Healthcare Student Resources (UHCSR) My Account. After login, select the My Coverage tab, then select Confirmation of Coverage. For additional assistance, call UHCSR at 833-789-9300.
Tip: As you review your options, take time to look at the benefits offered, the providers covered, and your total out-of-pocket costs. Always make sure you confirm the specific start date of any new health insurance option so that you can avoid gaps in coverage.